Retirement Planning

Plan Now for a Comfortable Retirement

In order to live a comfortable and secure retirement, it’s important to build the financial cushion that will fund that lifestyle. Without proper planning and without a full-time salary, incomes will substantially decrease. Planning for retirement involves making smart, informed decisions about your retirement goals and how you can meet them.

Serving the Retirement Needs of Public Sector Employees

Retirement planning is much more effective and less stressful with the help of experts. At My Federal Plan we will connect you with an agent or financial advisor that works with public sector employees everyday.   They will walk you through the process and provide advice to help you meet your retirement goals and maximize your retirement portfolio. 

Together, you and your agent or financial advisor will review your federal benefits package including a look at your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and your government life insurance compared to commercial alternatives, and then they’ll customize a plan for your goals.

My Federal Plan Can Help You With Common Retirement Planning Questions

We look forward to answering your questions and helping your plan for your retirement goals. Schedule your free consultation with a My Federal Plan agent today.

Do you need help with retirement planning?

federal employee retirement guide


Don't forget to download your free copy of our Retirement Guide for Federal Employees

Did you schedule your consultation?

If you are a federal government employee or postal worker we can connect you with a licensed financial professional with the experience needed to help you understand your pension benefits and overall retirement plan.